Saturday, December 26, 2009

FLOW for love of water

The documentary "Flow, for love of water" (2008) is a film that alerts its viewers about the scarity, pollution, and price of water to the poor. Poor; meaning all people who can't have easy access to purified water. The film concentrates on three regions: USA, India, and South Africa. It involves water companies like: Vivendi, Thames water, and Suez.

The world is suffering from lack of access to clean water. What will the world be, if water runs out? Water makes up 70% of the Earth. If this 70% runs out, Earth won't be what it is, today. There would simply be no life. The Water bound diseases have caused the death of over 2 million children, under the age of 5, annually.

Huge multinational water companies like Suez enjoy privatization which only benefits them and their shareholders. Poor people cannot afford privatized water. Those multinational companies enjoy political plans of taking water from poor countries and re-selling it to the citizens of the same country at 10 times more expensive, by simply adding self brand names to the bottles of water sold. Those issues, raised above, are the issues that are presented in the documentary.

In the USA, people get sick because of drinking from tap water. This is evident through the annual deaths which range from 500 thousand to 7 million people. The overall water, in the US is contaminated, containing viruses, bugs, pathogens, etc. Those viruses come in the body through the showers. Once a person goes to the bathroom, the viruses are excreted, as they move into the sewage, then to the seas. Poor people drink from the seas and the rivers, where the viruses now live. This is how drinking from the seas increases the mortality rate of poor humans with no purified water.

In India, there is a sacred river that the Indians believe in, in religious occasions called the ganges. The huge multinational companies, dammed the sacred river, and have been selling it's water to the citizens of the same country (India) for high prices.

In South Africa, Suez owns a place in one of the poor regions that supposedly runs a clean, purified water system. However, the documentary shows how Suez water is always dark in color, and how it always has worms. Privatized companies follow the "self interest theory", whereas they would only care about accomplishing their own interests, and simply ignore other people's concerns. Such companies only care about monetary terms. They need to be "tight handed" when it comes to expenses, to satisfy their shareholders. So, they don't provide clear water to poor regions. Why is this? Well, purifying requires money, which decreases their overall profit.

There are many solutions that are interdependent upon one another, if a solution to this world crisis is to be looked at. I personally recommend all solutions because different countries differ from one another. The ultra violet lamp can be used to remove the viruses found in water, whereas rivers and seas can be purified. The tablets, also mentioned in the documentary, can be brought to kill the germs, as well. Poor people can be hired into huge industries in order to educate them, reduce unemployment, and pay them money to afford their life expenses. But before doing all of this, dangerous chemicals like perchlorate are to be banned from the market.

The poor countries need to call upon the UN, countries in order to offer central committees in their poor areas, That would, by foreign aid, provide the ultraviolet lamps, tablets, training, and a proper water infrastructure. Not only this, but they can also go into Research and Development (R&D) to come up with new brand technologies that would easily purify contaminated water. This way, access to water would be less trouble, to those poor regions, and people would begin to care about our future.

1)Flow; for love of water.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vocabulary log

1. accommodation, noun, a residence, a place where you live.

My accommodation in Doha was a villa, but here in Abu Dhabi it is a flat.

2. achievement, noun, something difficult you succeed in doing.

Putting a man on the moon in 1969 was a great achievement for NASA.

3. ambulance, noun, a vehicle used to take a sick or injured person to hospital.

There was a major crash involving several vehicles on the Sheikh Zayed Road and several ambulances were called to the scene.

4. attract, verb, to draw by appealing to the emotions or senses, by stimulating interest, or by exciting admiration; allure; invite: to attract attention; to attract admirers by one's charm.

The first F1 race in Abu Dhabi attracted a huge crowd of spectators to Yas Island.

5. Australia, proper noun, a large country in the southern hemisphere.

I have visited Australia twice and seen some very large crocodiles in Northern Territory.

6. available, adjective, accessible, usable, handy, buyable.

Many 4-WD vehicles are available in the U.A.E.

7. beautiful, adjective, lovely, pretty, gorgeous, attractive, fine.

She's wearing a beautiful gown.

8. because, conjunction, for the reason that; due to the fact that.

He was absent from class because he was sick.

9. before, preposition, previous to; earlier or sooner than, ahead of; in the future of; awaiting.

Phone me before noon.

10. believe, verb, to think that something is true;to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

I didn't believe her story.

11. Benefit, noun, Something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.

Before starting any business the amount of the benefit must be considered.

12. Broken, adjective, Reduced to fragments; fragmented.

Broken glass is very dangerous thing.

13. Career,noun, An occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: He sought a career as a lawyer.

After finishing school the real career start.

14. Choice,adjective, An act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.

Every person has to make an important choice in his life.

15. Communicate, verb, To impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information; to communicate one's happiness.

It’s been a lot easier for people to communicate after the telephone was

16. Control, noun, To exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.

The police do a great job to control the crime rate.

17. Correct, adjective, To set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation.

It’s important to know the wrong answers and correct them.

18. Culture, noun, The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

Every country has a different culture from others.

19. Degree, noun, Any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale.

Some jobs require a specific degree.

20. Department, noun, A distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system.

The fire department does a great job to help people.

21. Nutrition, noun, the process of giving or getting the right type of food for good health and growth. I went to a nutrition doctor and his treatment was very helpful for me.

22. Awareness, noun, knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation. Culture awareness is an important subject.

23. Committed, adjective, willing to work very hard at something. In the last 3 days, I was committed to picking my brothers up from the school.

24. Disease, noun, An illness which affects a person, animal, or plant. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

25. Interpret, verb, to translate spoken words from one language into another. I always interpret the words to Arabic.

26. Scholarship, noun, an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education. Nuclear energy authorizations have a scholarship with Khalifa University.

27. Opportunity, noun, A chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something. I never miss an opportunity.

28. Rhythm, noun, A regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements. Time arrangement is important in rhythm.

29. Concentration, noun, the ability to think about something carefully or for a long time.
The exam needs a lot of concentration.

30. Individual, adjective, considered separately from other people or things in the same group.Every individual is different.

31. Ridiculous,adjective, very silly or unreasonable. Don’t be ridiculous.

32. Spite, verb, to deliberately annoy or upset someone. I like to spite her.

33. Convenient, adjective, useful to you because it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems. The e-mail is convenient.

34. Reveal, verb, to show something that was previously hidden. The inspector was able to reveal the mystery of the case.

35. Capable, adjective, having the qualities or ability needed to do something. I’m capable of passing.

36. Dormitory, noun, a large room for several people to sleep in.Boarding schools have dormitories.
37. Expatriate, noun, someone who lives in a foreign country. My teacher is expatriate.

38. Inherit, verb ,to receive money, property etc from someone after they have died. My friends inherited one million dirhams.

39. Energetic, adjective, having or needing a lot of energy or determination. Redbull was classified as an energetic drink.

40. Aspect, noun, one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts. The first aspect in this lesson is obeying the law.

41. Luxury (noun): very great comfort and pleasure, such as you get from expensive food, beautiful houses, cars etc. I have a luxury room.

42. Audience, noun, A group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public. The audiences were interested.

43. Appearance, noun, The way someone or something looks to other people. His appearance was great.

44. Government, noun, the group of people who govern a country or state. You can communicate with Abu Dhabi government through 800 555.

45. Sculpture, noun, An object made out of stone, wood, clay etc by an artist.There are many wonderful sculptures in London.

46. Beneficial, adjective, having a good effect.Eating carefully+taking exercise are beneficial to your health.

47. Therefore, adverb, as a result of something that has just been mentioned. Therefore, the percentage of deaths increased this year.

48. Respect, noun, when you admire someone, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills. I respect my teacher.

49. Otherwise, adverb, used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done. Study well otherwise you will fail in this subject.

50. Colleagues, noun, someone you work with, used especially by professional people. You must be respectful to your colleagues.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Technology and the difference in the sector

In the past the study was hard because the teaching was without technology and they used different items( Nowadays, with the technology the study and the teaching are easier than the past. The technology has made a difference in the world and it helps all of the people in the world.

The technology is used to make everything easy and fast; for example the computer is the best technology. The computers are very useful and they are used in all sectors. The ADMC chooses this technology in the college to make the teaching and the study easier and faster and they use this technology to be different from other colleges or universities and schools. In the ADMC the computer is more important than the other technology, because with the computer you can make many different things and you cannot join the ADMC without the computer. With the computer technology you can save your work for all your study years. The teaching with the computer is more useful and the teacher can use the computer for his work and also he can save his lesson before the class and after it.

The computer has a lot of items which help such as Microsoft office and this includes word, excel, PowerPoint and front page. With these items you can make your work easier, better and faster and it makes a difference in the business subject. The computer helps the teacher in the presentation of the lesson to make the lesson so easy and more exciting. With the computer the ADMC can register the student and no one can play with the information .Also the computer helps the students with their homework and for study and it helps them to learn more activities such as typing and making presentations for business lessons.

The computer can also be used in other companies not only in the ADMC. The companies used the computer and it makes a big difference. The computer can help these companies in their work; for example they can make advertisements for their work and use printers to print the advertisements and share them. The business company can use the internet with the computer to report to other companies and to share their information on the internet web site. They can also be connected with other companies by this technology. The computer software( can organize the companies’ work with some Microsoft Office and the business work needs a lot of organization to get all information by one click and it is easy to reach it. The computer has a big memory and that helps the companies to save all their work on it and cancel the files that they don’t need and when they need the files they go and search for it and it takes a lot of time; by the computer they can find that information by one click and it’s easy and faster than the old system.
The technology makes a difference in the business sector( The owner of the business can be connected with his company or with his business from home and he can check all his work and send all his instructions while he sits at home or in a café. The computer technology has changed the world and helps all sectors and particularly in the business sector.


2-"UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007."



Monday, November 9, 2009

Am going to write a comparison between two cars which are the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911 Turbo.I will write some information about the speed and the horse power. Also in this paragraph I will write about the similarities and differences between these two race cars.

There are many similarities between the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911 Turbo. The first similarity is that both of them are sport cars,also they have a very high safety system. The second similarity is that both cars have only two doors and only two passengers can sit in each. Another similarity is that they have turbo.

Although there are many similarities, there are also many important differences between these two fast cars. The first difference is the price. The Bugatti Veyron costs 1.4 million Euro whereas the Porsche 911 Turbo costs 150,862 Euro. Secondly, the top speed of the Bugatti is 252.9 mph while the top speed in the Porsche is 193 mph. The third difference is the 0-60 mph. The Bugatti Veyron scored less than 2.7 second and the Porsche 911 Turbo scored 3.5 seconds. The fourth difference is the torque. The Bugatti Veyron has 922 lb.ft whereas the Porsche 911 Turbo has only 460 lb.ft. Another difference is the horse power. The Bugatti has 1001 hp whereas the Porsche has only 480 hp. Finally, the weight of the Bugatti is 4339 lbs while the weight of the Porsche is 3130 lbs.

The similarities both of them are very fast and required from many people but the Bugatti is faster than the Porsche. In my opinion, if I had enough money I would buy the Bugatti Veyron because it is better than the Porsche from every side.

303 words




Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Europe’s central disappointment

This article was written one month ago on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The writer indicates the speech of Vaclav Havel in 1989, when Europe overthrew the communism. Havel promised the world that his country which is Czechoslovakia will be a compassionate force in the European Union. Furthermore it will bring something new to the continent which he called ‘the art of the impossible. In fact, they were not that kind of force, because they weakened the European Union's progress. In addition, they represent the ideology of a chauvinistic populism.
The soviet-style dictatorship took a toll on the European societies which were qualified and ready to enter the European Union but they couldn’t. Many parties and movements spread through central Europe that affected the popular opinion and may cause some problems. Those movements had a huge negative impact in central Europe because they were not marginal such as in western Europe. Also the impact spread through the whole of Europe because central Europe was the right wing factions in the European parliament.
Finally 20 years after central Europe's failure to be what it wanted or promised to be, because of the impact of the negative movements and parties. Disappointedly some of them are still alive.

Reference: Hockenos, Paul. "Europe's Central Disappointment." Newsweek 12 Oct. 2009: 9. Print.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

MLA referencing podcast summary

1-What is plagiarism?
Using someone else’s words or ideas and representing them as your own.

2-What must you do avoid plagiarizing?
Take careful and accurate notes as you research.

3-What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
MLA Modern Language Association
APA American psychological Association

4-What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?
Author’s name – Title of book - Date – pages - Publisher - magazine- web adder .

5-When creating a reference for a book what comes first?
Author name

6-What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
Article title

7-What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
Page numbers

8-What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
The title of website.

9-What is last item of information when referencing a website?
Date visited.

11-What comes before the URL in a database reference?

12-Where is the bibliography?
At the end

13-What is in the bibliography?

14-When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?
Surnames/Family name - Butterfild, Hedley

15-How do you order items in the bibliography?

16-Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

17-What information goes in an inline citation?
Name – Date

18-Name one citation machine that can help you?

19-Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

20-In Google type, ‘’HCT plagiarism.’’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.
If you cheat you will be kicked from the college.

1-World of Health. Online ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2007.

2-U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics. The Alan Guttmacher Institute. March 5, 2001. pCOV(9).

3-DISCovering Multicultural America. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003.

Junk food....

Everywhere you go the junk food is available. Junk food manufacturers want to advertise their product; however, the government wants to stop using this food in the schools. Any food with high fat, salt or sugar is called junk food. There are two famous chicken companies KFC and Nando's. Meals of Nando's have more calories and more fats then KFC meals. Pizza is another food that is considered to be junk food. Hot pizza in Pizza Express has more calories, but Domino's has far more. The most famous hamburger seller is Mc Donald's. It has more that 50 thousand branches. Ed's classic hamburger has more calories and fat then a meal in Mc Donald's. The term " junk food" is an "empty" phrase. Some kind of food is considered to be junk food , whereas, the same kind of food is considered to be healthy.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Natural paradise summary

The Major mountains are the home to the Wadi Wurayah. Wadi Wurayah is 169sq/km area between Masafi,KhorFakkan and Bidyah It's a home of more than 100 species of mammals.The area needs to be protected because if faces some serious threats.
Wadi Wurayah is recommended as a must - see for UAE off - road drivers and tourists. The Wadi is also the home of fresh water fish,the garra barreimiae.It lives only in the Hajar mountains.In the UAE, what constitutes a protected area is vague, said Dr.Tourenq "All around the world, the main problem is implementation". The Wadi Wurayah protected area will be set up so it meets international standards .Sponsorship is another issue that is vital to the succsess of the project.

The story is talking about protecting the natural paradise.

It's a nice article because the story happened in the UAE. I hope to go to this place.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dyslexic Summary

Dyslexic children have problems in processing visual information.New research suggests that dyslexics have difficult with eye movment. The scientists started to ask boys about what they see on pages. One of them said that words were moving without legs. The new technology has produced special glasses to help them control their eyes. The scientists say dyslexics don't have enough magnocells. If we need to solve this problem we need to use hi-tech spectacles and try to do special exercises.It is hoped this will improve reading skills and also solve the problem of dyslexia.

The dyslexia in children and what will happed in future.

The article is good and it's new. I learnt some new information about this subject and it's an interesting story.